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Advanced system to show products on a mirror

Magic Mirror

Magic mirror

MagikMirror is an advanced system to display on a mirror product carousels. Magik Mirror, reading a “tag” located inside the products, is able to display on a mirror the related products, adding also extra informations like discounts and descriptions.

Magik Mirror defines three sections of the mirror:

  • Top: In this section, if enabled, a text message, related with the displayed item, will be shown. Also display of graphic logos, Brands or similar contents can be shown
  • Center: Area where the carousel will be displayed with images
  • Bottom: At the bottom of the screen the description of the displayed item will be shown.

All messages, brand logos, discounts, images, articles and descriptions are customizable in terms of color, size, shadow effect, fonts, etc. Also, it is possible program contents’ activation and deactivation (for example, you have the possibility to enable the discount of a specific item ONLY for a specific period of time).

Magik Mirror displays the articles related to the one “tagged” according to various modifiable parameters. Furthermore, for each item with a tag, it is possible to associate several categories. For example, if the article with tag is a T-shirt, you can view:

  • T-shirts
  • Summer items
  • Sporting goods
  • Specific items (i.e. matching accessories)

Control Panel

From the control panel you can add and edit:

  • Articles (and their display parameters)
  • Categories or associated items
  • Discounts and promotions (value, duration, …)
  • Sconti e promozioni (valore, durata, …)
  • Messages
  • Formatting: enable / disable the display of the content, change its font size, color, shadow, etc.

From the control panel you can add also “tag codes”, manage the RFID device for reading the tags and access the preview of the carousels.